Welcome to Bonnells Bay Public School Library page. This page is a wealth of information for all things library. Here you will be able to see Library news, Premier's Reading Challenge information, information on accessing the library catalogue, as well as library borrowing information.
Library News
Students are working through a variety of coding apps and websites this term to gain skills in creating algorithms. This allows them to create scences where they can edit and control characters to make them perform a variety of actions, change appearance and play sound. Students are enjoying learning to be computer programers.
Students can dowload the Scartch Jr app onto iPads at home. They can also access the Scratch website and continue creating at home.
Premier's Reading Challenge
All students K-6 are encouraged to complete the Premier's Reading Challenge. This assists students to set reading goals and experience a broad range of rich texts that are age appropriate.
Please see the link below for further details. All students will be shown how to enter books into their reading logs in Term 1.
Student reading log entries close on 18 August 2023.
Home Page: NSW Premier's Reading Challenge (det.nsw.edu.au)
Library Catalogue
Students can access the library catalogue via their student portal. They can access the student portal by clicking on the login icon at the top right hand side of the page linked below. Students login using their student username and password.
Login (nsw.gov.au)
Once inside the student portal, click on the my school library icon in the top launchpad section. From here students can search the library catalogue as well as see what books they currently have out on loan.
Student Borrowing
All students are encouraged to borrow for class and home reading. K-2 students should bring a library bag to keep their books safe. Students will be able to borrow more than one book when they demonstrate that they are a responsible borrower.
Term class rewards will be offered for the class with the best borrowing and returning record.
Students should have a safe place to keep their books at home away from pets and younger siblings. If a library book becomes damaged please see Mrs Wood.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in Term 4 2023. The students preview the fair and create a 'wish list' the day prior to the fair opening for sales. Payment for these items can be made online or purchased with cash on sale day.
In feedback regarding the online payment process from 2022, it is important to note that it is then the students responsibility to come to the fair and select these items for purchase. The school does not recieve notification regarding these payments. The school does not have access to these items post fair either. Sales from the fair can only occur on the day it is open.
Students will also participate in our annual dress-up parade in conjunction with the fair. The theme will be announced soon.
More details regarding Scholastic Book Fairs can be here: Book Fairs | Scholastic Australia