2024 Class Dojo Permission This allows us to add your child to their class on Dojo, and opens a line of communication between you and the class teacher.
2024 General Permission to Publish This form explains about permission for students to be published on websites.
2024 Voluntary School Contribution This year the voluntary school contribution is $45 per child or $80 for families with two or more students at Bonnells Bay Public School. We are also very happy for any families who would like to contribute a higher amount.
Special Religious Education Participation This form is for your preference for your child to attend either SRE or Non-Scripture.
Code of Conduct for School Students on Buses This form centres around the expectations of behaviour for students who catch the bus.
Declaration for Child-Related Workers If you are a family member who would like to volunteer at school, eg Canteen, Transporting students on excursions, reading groups etc, please complete this form and bring 100 points of ID to the school office.
Student Health Condition Support This form is to be completed when students require medication during school hours. It gives the office staff permission to administer the prescribed medication as per the doctor's instructions.
Request for Student to carry Epipen, Anapen or Asthma Medication This form allows students to carry their own medication such as ventolin or an epipen. Health plans are to be sent to school, eg Asthma plans or ASCIA Plans.
Change of Details If you have moved, changed your phone number or have new emergency contacts completing this form will keep your details up to date in the computer system.
Newsletter Options If you would like to receive a copy of the newsletter via your email or a printed copy this is the form you will need to complete.