Uniform Shop
The Bonnells Bay Public School branded items are only available through the P&C run uniform shop. The uniform shop is located outside the canteen.
Term 3 2024
We are open from 3:00pmto 4:00pm Mondays only.
We operate an online uniform store with availability to order 24/7. Orders placed and paid via our online store will be packed and delivered to the office and given to the nominated child via the child's teacher on the next Wednesday.
Click the following to access the online store: https://pc-bonnells-bay-public-school.square.site/
You can also place an order using the order form and leave it at the School Office with payment. All orders will be packed and delivered to the office and given to the nominated child via the child's teacher on the next opening day.
Order Form
Payment Methods at the Uniform shop: Cash, EFTPOS, Direct Credit via OSKO payments.